• Sunset Wine Tasting at Attico Winery

    Indulge in an unforgettable evening of wine tasting at sunset! Enjoy a curated selection of our premium wines paired with gourmet appetizers. Bask in the stunning views of our vineyard as the sun sets over Napa Valley.

    Our expert sommeliers will guide you through the tasting, sharing insights into each wine’s unique profile and the stories behind their creation. This is the perfect setting for a romantic date or a memorable evening with friends. Reserve your spot now for a magical night under the stars!

    📅 Date: Friday, July 14th

    🕒 Time: 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

    📍 Location: Attico Winery, Napa Valley

    #AtticoWinery #SunsetTasting #NapaValleySunset #WineTasting

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